Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Motivation Style

           Motivation is the force that draws you to move toward something. It can come from a desire or a curiosity within you or can be from an external force urging you on. In either case, you make the decision to seize or to skip a chance to learn. Motivation styles vary for different situations and topics but nonetheless, you draw on them all the time, especially when you try to learn something challenging. If you can recognize your predominant motivational style you can identify the situations that best satisfy your needs. Likewise, you can't motivate anyone else. All you can do is invite them to learn.

My Motivation Style is Goal- Oriented

                  When I answered the questionnaire, I found out that I have a goal- oriented motivation style. My answers include: I am proud when I get things done, I mostly think about what's next, to relax I tend to rely on a consistently relaxing activity, I like to do things right away or on schedule, when online I like to search for specific information, projects should be finished on time, in school, i like to ask questions, I believe schedules keep me organized, I liked to be recognized for being organized, neat, and on time, in terms of completing things I finish what I start. 

         The result shows that I would probably reach my goals through a direct and obvious route. Now that I learned my motivation style, I will improve my skills to learn more in French language. As a goal-oriented person I will see to it that my goal to study and deeply learn the French language would be achieved. I will make schedules for my study habits, I will  make assignments on time and be able to finish it, I will pass requirements ahead of time, I will organize the topics to be studied to be able to grasp the lessons well and I will enjoy the learning process as I study French. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can see your motivation style working. I hope to see your plans come to fruition. Bonne continuation!
